R E L I Q U A R I E S + C U S T O M  C A M E O  J E W E L R Y 

If you are interested commissioning a 'Custom Cameo' piece, or 'Reliquary Memento' please feel free to download the forms below. Any additional inquiries or completed forms can be sent to cpotter@alumni.risd.edu 

Reliquary Catalog

Custom Cameo Form PDF



Commission Catalogue

R E L I Q U A R I E S + C U S T O M  C A M E O  J E W E L R Y 

If you are interested commissioning a 'Custom Cameo' piece, or 'Reliquary Memento' please feel free to download the forms below. Any additional inquiries or completed forms can be sent to cpotter@alumni.risd.edu 

Reliquary Catalog

Custom Cameo Form PDF